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Universum Real Estate Projects is a brand of CCS Liquidation Trust. All projects including the Universum City are being managed, listed or administered by CCS Liquidation Trust (the “Trust”), you may be forbidden to buy stock or invest directly or indirectly in CCS Liquidation Trust depending on your Location and relevant legal Jurisdiction, past performance is no guarantee nor indicative of future results. CCS Liquidation Trust is Registered and Supervised in the Commonwealth of Dominica under the Companies Act 1994 (Act 21) it is also a Regulated and Supervised entity by the Financial Service Unit and the Ministry of Finance of the Commonwealth of Dominica in the West Indies, the Trust is member of the International Banking Association of the Caribbean and Its managed via an Independent Executive Committee composed by shareholders under supervision of its Trustee CPA Ms Maria Escudero Martinez the “trustee” of CCS Liquidation Trust.

Investing in The Trust’s Shares or defined strategies (as described in its prospectuses) or any other instrument involves certain degree of risk. An investment in The Trust is illiquid and there is no primary market to resell your holdings, investment in CCS Liquidation Trust should be considered speculative.

Investment Objectives:

The Trust’s investment objectives are to obtain liquidity and significant Alpha by the administration, leasing and commercialization of land that is part of the assets of the Trust or where the Trust acts as a distribution agent, the Trust seeks long-term total return for those that decide to remain in the structure, with an emphasis on current income, by primarily developing and producing liquidity in a broad range of real estate-related projects to be made on the Land. There can be no assurance The Trust will achieve its investment objective.

Experienced &
Skilled Team

The team supporting the Trust operation is composed by a Financial Group and an International Investment Bank, all Members managing the structure have a personal stockholding on the Trust and are directly supervised by an autonomous supervisory Committee also composed of stockholders.


The trust Committees that manage the structure have the mandate of producing liquidity in the short term via various strategies as published in the various prospectuses. Multiple opportunities for various industries are available.

SPV and Specific Transaction Customization is Possible on request.

Under the general rules of the trust it is possible to implement and customize specific transaction for prospective shareholders including the creation of a subsidiary SPVs under the current management of the trust and in compliance with applicable regulation. For complete information on options available, or to obtain a prospectus on any of the various strategies, you should contact your investment professional.

Past performance is not indicative nor a guarantee of future results. For more complete information, or to obtain a prospectus on any of the strategies, please contact your investment professional. The prospectus should be read carefully before purchasing shares. Consider the investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses carefully before purchasing shares. The prospectus contains this information and other information about the Trust strategies. Check with your investment professional to determine which strategies are available for sale within their firm. Not all strategies may be available for sale at all firms and possible restrictions may exist in your jurisdiction.

The information contained on this website should not be interpreted as an offer of products and / or financial services (soliciting). The numbers and or contact information displayed in this site are only for informational purposes, except for the Commonwealth of Dominica, CCS Liquidation Trust Inc. does not offer or provide services on the jurisdictions described or implied herein.

If you require additional specific information on these instruments or the Trust you can reach out to us at

International Contact Information

Beau Bois Castle Comfort, 10001, Roseau, Commonwealth of Dominica, Dominica W.I.

Information Desk

Shareholders Information Desk


This privacy policy sets forth the policies with respect to nonpublic personal information of individual shareholders and beneficiaries, prospective investors and former creditors. These policies apply to individuals only and website users and are subject to change.

The Executive Committee collects nonpublic personal information about shareholders from the information it receives in subscription agreements and information relating to a shareholder’s transactions with other Shareholders or Beneficiaries.

The Executive Committee does not disclose any nonpublic personal information about the shareholders to anyone other than (i) The Trustee and other service providers as necessary, (ii) The Appointor, and (iii) as permitted by law.

It also may be necessary under anti-money laundering and similar laws to disclose information about shareholders in specific circumstances. The Executive Committee also will release information about shareholders if compelled to do so by law in connection with any government request or investigation, or if any shareholders direct the Executive Committee to do so individually for his or her own personal information.


Si usted tiene alguna duda o pregunta en relación a este sitio por favor contáctenos en CCS Liquidation Trust Inc. (“El trust”) es una entidad Financiera registrada en el Commonwealth de Dominica W.I. y regulada por las leyes domésticas.

La información contenida en este documento no debe interpretarse con una oferta de productos y/o servicios financieros (soliciting). Las cifras e información exhibida en este sitio son solo de carácter informativo y pueden no haber sido revisadas por CSS Liquidation Trust Inc.

El Trust realiza un importante esfuerzo por mantener los datos aquí expresados de manera correcta, actualizada y fiel, sin embargo estos pueden contener errores en su cálculo, muestreo y resultado y pueden ser incorrectos, CSS Liquidation Trust Inc. no es responsable en ningún caso de la información contenida en este sitio.

Este sitio y cualquier archivo adjunto así como la información contenida es de carácter provisional y referencial y no están destinados para distribución pública ni a ningún tercero, la información en este sitio está destinada únicamente para el destinatario, es altamente confidencial y privilegiada. Si Ud. no está autorizado expresamente por el Trust a revisar este sitio deberá destruirlo e informarnos de su destrucción, así mismo se le notifica que cualquier revisión, retransmisión, conversión o copiado, circulación o uso de este documento y cualquier sitio adjunto esta estrictamente prohibido.

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