You are welcome to the Shareholders Website of CCS Liquidation Trust, if you are not a shareholder or do not have a Access to this system please contact the Trustee.
Documents and Information Available in this Website and any of its appendices published here are not intended for general circulation other than as required by law, nor are to be reproduced or used for any purpose other than that outlined above without the written permission in each specific instance from the Trustee.
If you have a Password to Login to this system please do not share this, the information on this website is not Public thus only active Shareholders are authorized to access it, if you are a Shareholder and do not have a Password please approach the Trustee. If you are not a Shareholder or if you are not expressly authorized by the Trustee you need to exit this site now.
This site is Maintained by the Trustee and the Executive Committee of CCS Liquidation Trust.
You can always contact the trustee at If you require any information you can report it to
Please visit the share redemption frequently asked questions for more information.

Personal Information & Disclaimer
Users are advised that Personal Information including without limitation, the Username used for Login, Cookies, Operating System Identifier, IP and Geolocation will be recorded for Safety when entering to this Site. CCS Liquidation Trust Inc. (“The Trust”) is a registered and supervised entity on the Commonwealth of Dominica. The information contained on this website should not be interpreted as an offer of products and / or financial services (soliciting). The numbers and or contact information displayed in this site are only for informational purposes, except for the Commonwealth of Dominica, CCS Liquidation Trust Inc. does not offer or provide services on the jurisdictions described or implied herein. The material on this website, on the reports, letters or emails exchanged with the Trustee or the Executive Committee and in general any material related to the Trust may contain forward looking statements which are not based on historical facts but are based on current expectations about future events and results. Words such as “will”, “are”, “expect”, “anticipate”, “believe”, “expect”, “project”, “forecast”, “estimate”, “outlook”, “likely”, “intend”, “should”, “could”, “may”, “target”, “plan” and other similar expressions typically denote forward looking statements. Such forward looking statements are based on views held only at the date of publication of the material and are not guarantees of future performance or events. These forward looking statements are subject to inherent risks, uncertainties and other factors outside the control of the Trust. Accordingly, actual results may differ materially from those expressed or implied in such statements. The Trust, does not undertake to update any forward looking statements to reflect events or new information following the publication of forward looking statements on the reports, any emails exchange with the Trustee or any other staff member, or the Trust websites. The Trust gives no representation or warranty (express or implied) as to the completeness or reliability of any forward looking statements. Such forward looking statements should not be considered as advice or a recommendation in relation to holding, purchasing or selling shares and does not take into account your particular investment objectives, financial situation or needs, and you should not place undue reliance on these forward looking statements. Hypothetical situations, projections, illustrations, documents, contracts, emails and examples on any material issued or distributed by the Trust are provided for illustrative purposes only and you should not rely on such hypothetical situations, illustrations and or examples when making investment decisions. Due to each shareholder individual circumstances, returns may differ from those provided in any hypothetical situation, illustrations and examples used. Past performance information on analog trusts or similar vehicles or structures in the Commonwealth of Dominica or abroad are not a reliable indicator of future performance. Any reference to past performance is intended to be for general illustrative purposes only and should not be relied upon. Holding shares or Investing in a Special Purpose Vehicles (SPVs) that intermediates land and/or acts as an introducing broker involves multiple risks without limitation, liquidity and funding risks, equity risk, lower access to capital at the vehicle level, mark-to-market accounting rules, lack of transparency on the information provided by land owners or projects and regulatory changes that could cause serious problems for the Trust, some of the investments may be cataloged as high risk or have little oversight, leading to shareholders taking on more risk than they may be aware of or comfortable with. The information on this FAQ and in general within the Trust website is intended to be general information only and is not financial or legal advice. The information has been prepared and is being shown without taking into account any specific shareholder´s objectives, financial situation or needs. Before acting on any such information, you should consider the appropriateness of the information provided and the nature of the relevant decision to be made having regard to your objectives, financial situation and needs. In particular, you should seek independent financial advice with a qualified specialist and read the relevant disclaimers before making a decision about whether to hold or subject your shares for redemption or repurchase. Specific prospectuses and relevant information may be available on the Trust DataRoom website for which under an authorized procedure voted by the Executive Committee, the execution of an NDA is needed. We advise all shareholders to request access to the DataRoom. Shareholders are advised not to take any decision in regard to the Trust or it shares without carefully reviewing, studying or evaluating and performing substantial due diligence in the information contained in the DataRoom. The Trust do not provide any guarantee on the completion of the Trust deed objectives or otherwise and cannot provide assurance in respect to of any obligations with suppliers, counterparties, shareholders of any kind, contractual or otherwise. Purchasing, holding or maintaining any class of shares in the Trust is subject to investment risk, including delays in redemption/repayment, loss of income or principal invested and bankruptcy. Accordingly, the performance, the redemption, repurchase or repayment of accessories or any particular share value increase on your shares is not guaranteed by the Trust. Holding shares in the Trust is highly speculative and involves a high degree of risk, which could result in the loss of part or all of an investor’s capital. Neither “The Trust” nor any of its related bodies, nor the Trustee or the Appointor or any other party guarantees the completion of any ongoing deals, transactions, task, projects, operations, objectives or agreements with any third party or within the Trust, via the Appointor or any other party. The Trustee nor its team are real estate specialists, they have no significant entrepreneurship experience including experience within the real estate sector nor they are experts in managing similar vehicles or any of these types of transactions. The repurchase or redemption of shares depends on these transactions being finalized with its corresponding benefit being paid to the trust, any other value or proposition stated is not guaranteed, including any looking forward performance of the Trust or on its shares. All shares may be traded in the secondary market under specific limitation set forth by the Trustee or the Executive Committee making them illiquid and are generally subject to risks, including delays in redemptions, repayment and loss of capital and income. Risks including without limitation, reputational risks, and any actions made by a shareholder or third party directly or indirectly against the Trust, the Appointor, the Trustee, the Executive Committee and any counterparty or person related, including service providers or suppliers is to be carefully understood without taking any decision.